We had a Saturday lunch meeting with the boss today....more
Korean BBQ and a side salad with
octopi heads (cut in half) in weird sauce. Floor sit
restaurants are quite the challenge for someone who has the flexibility of a 65 year old grandmother. I can get through 90 minutes of hot yoga without stroking out, but after only 7 minutes of sitting on a floor with my legs crossed (needless torture) I am ready to cry.
Afterwards Andrea and I headed down to
Yongsan or
Technomart as most people know it.... There is a giant
ipark mall with floor upon floor of gadgets, cameras, computers,
gps, and on and on and on.... I need to do some serious research as to what camera I want to buy as the
salesmen's ability to help me is limited to "
yess-e" and "
ssal-e" and "
ok ok". I am on my own. I went up another 2 floors and still could not see the other end of the camera section. It's going to be a bit of a mission.

I found a guitar store on the fifth floor and stayed there for a while playing bass...the sales guy and i fell into an impromptu Police jam, "Every Breath you Take"....hilarious!!. Out of the things i miss most in Canada...jamming tops the list! They had quite the selection of cute guitars fit for
cartoony K-pop artists....they did however have a few Dean guitars (AND a 5 string Dean Bass)...pretty
badass. Prices for new guitars are similar to home (The Dean was about 598). There is a used instrument market open on
Saaturdays and I will be
equiping myself with a small home set up pretty soon (before I kill myself!).

We hit a royal Temple yesterday and went on the hunt for the used music market...the temple was great! No luck with the market....next weekend

As life in Asia soaks in, I have discovered my role as a teacher/tourist/illiterate
whiteperson requires that I have more
carying capacity on a day to day basis.... my pockets and Andreas purse wont due for cameras, phrasebooks, water, etc.... So... I have had to follow the lead of the local Korean men here and go in search of a "stylish-man-bag" for day to day use. I hesitate to use the word "man-purse" or "
murse" as there are a few key differences in what I am looking for versus what the local is after. (1) A
murse tends to be stamped or patterned leather and have "flair", which consists of brass or
goldish buckles or clasps (2) A man-purse is usually a brand name like Coach or GAP or Tommy Hilfiger and the branding is super important to climbing the ladder that is high end
korean fashion. (3) A
murse strap hangs off the same shoulder and is carried much like a ladies purse or handbag. Since their is no "gay" in Korea...their is no pressure to find a "manly" bag. I lucked out and found a courier style sports bag with a long over the chest strap, it comes
equiped with hourly testosterone injections and tons of storage for all that manly stuff I need (knives, nun-chucks, ninja stars, porn, beer-hat, etc).
While we were running out the door today, Andrea handed me a DVD and told me, "Put this in you're PURSE and lets get
outa here"...... I am still waiting for my balls to drop.